Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Turn

Seeing as how the issue of inter-school unity is going to keep coming up years after I flee the South, I thought I'd put in my buck and half on the issue.

It's not going to happen. Stop pretending it will.

I know that we're all in a similar environment and the three (formally four) schools have a long history of somewhat co-operating. The fact is every school has a different mission and those missions are not necessarily going to gel together as far as the school leadership is concerned.

Morehouse, as far as the long run goes, has it's ideal of educating Black men and putting them in positions of leadership worldwide, now an even greater mandate with President Barack Obama about to ascend. And with Morehouse's grounding the the Black Church it's ideal is that black Men should be the head of all things Black, which is where you can see where it will get into a row with some of Spelman's leadership.

The prevailing idea on campus, whether communicated conciously or unconciously, is that a Spelman Woman assists a Morehouse Man in his endevors. Many a guy on campus is still thinks that Spelman is their ideal place to find a mate, not necessarily a partner. A Spelman Woman can be as intellectual and achieving as she wants to be but at the end of the day barefoot and pregnant wins the race.

Even structually the campuses are at odds. With the West End being divvied up by development corporations fast forwarding Atlanta's gentrification even during a housing crisis, the AUC has little room to expand as it adds students yearly. Soon students won't be able to attend AUC schools for lack of having a place to live as the schools have not the land for housing and will soon be fighting over what little undeveloped peices there are.

At it's most basic, the schools having unity would be palapble if there weren't so many hurdles to cross register. But anyone who has ever tried to take a Spelman or Clark art class knows the lengths it takes to get and keep that class onnyour transcripts.

And finally, the students at each of the schools don't completely treat each other as equals anyway. Clark Atlanta and Morris Brown (when it had a prescence) were commonly looked down upon by the other two schools for reasons due to indoctrination. And Morehouse and Spelman students are usually at odds with each other on a general basis for usually simple reasons.

It would be nice if the schools were unified, but in reality there are three schools who happen to occupy the same space. We can co-operate, even celebrate together, be we won't, at least not any time soon, be together.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And The Winner is....

Maroon Tiger Politics Blog...

For keeping up with the the scene in Atlanta.

Good Show.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Someone finally said it

That's right if you don't vote for Barack Obama you are a racist....

Well it's not that clear cut, but historically the nation has voted heavily Democrat when there is even an inkling of a financial crisis, so Obama should have this one in the bag. Problem is, he doesn't; Here's why.

Similar anecdotal evidence was in a Newsweek feature by Christopher Dickey a few months ago.

So this election is looking more and more like a fight to determine not just the nation's future, but this nation's identity. Can the nation get over racism enough to elect a black man President? Because really the McCain campaign is slowly hitting rock bottom, and it's not even the debates yet.

You know sexism wouldn't be as much an issue if Hillary were nominee.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Goddamn Hipsters

At least hip-hop and 90's rock were shocked and pretended to be mortified when their cobbled together fashions became hip and the norm.

I don't have nearly enough swears to express my contempt for modern popular culture, but it pales in my deep loathing and anger at the corporate versions of said popular culture.

Case in point this ad by J.C. Penny's:

I love the movie. John Hughes is a genius, but that commercial is an atrocity, right down to the pink Nirvana shirt.

And that wack cover of Simple Minds. It's not a difficult song, how do you fuck up that song?!? Target deserves some responsibility for mangling a Beatles song every few months, thus making this horror allowable to the other culture-less corporate hive minds.

Score one for the White Man

Looks like OJ is going to jail.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The World Isn't Ending Because of a Physics Experiment....

it will end because of a half-assed experiment, which this one is not.

This site does a good deal to deconstructing the mystery of the Haldron at CERN

But seriously the actual experiment won't have it's test run for about a week. And the real full power experiment won't happen till late October.

The absolute worst that could have happened last night was that a beam of energy took out a concrete wall and somehow hit a plane full of babies and kittens.

Yes the Doomsday Clock is at 5 till midnight but it was closer all throughout the Cold War.

Besides i have it on good authority that you still have 1563 days to live.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Old Policy, New Strategy

While I am ambivalent about a hat and hood policy on campus (no one has yet to give me straight answer on how removing a hat is nothing more than a false sign of "respect"), I disagree with the method of trying to strongarm students in college.

Mostly, I am amazed that OSS doesn't know how to Photoshop properly or even use MSpaint to get rid of a web site name on a graphic that directs you to a London based grime band.

You can listen to the the sponsor of Morehouse's Dress Code and Respect Policy at their MySpace page here.